Creatures of a DAY
by Irvin D. Yalom
This book. This simply amazing book I've read it for the first time in 2018 and I FORGOT (!) I forgot about it. And I think now after having reread it, I realized why...
This book was reaviling most of my thoughts at that period concerning my fear of DEATH ...
It was not much after I have lost my mom, and when I was still suffering deeper, and was not able to let go...
So, now, when reading the book again I only could remember few pieces out of it. Nothing else. Usually when i reread a book I recognize pretty much the whole story. But not this time...
I could explain to myself only the fact that my brain didn't want to focus on the messages of this book at that very moment and was quite resistant at it...
Today, once I have finished the reading I want to underline that I am happier and I think, later on, coming back to this book again, I will recognize its protagonists and their special stories.
I think the fact that the author had chosen to write the story "Creatures of a day" at the end was a very good choice. I felt it like a crowm that is installed on the top of the other stories, but to feel this one needs to read first the whole book. I've heared bethor about Marcus Aurelius "Meditations" but only now I discovered how helpful, insightful and inspirational his book can be, thanks to the last story. I have alreaddy reserved it at Edinburgh Library <3
I've offered 5 out of 5 on goodreads to this book.
Well, I can consider myself chanceuse that I have discovered Irvin D. Yalom, because all his books are more than therapeutical, and also captivant. Yalom is a very very good storyteller.
I have also read by Irvin D. Yalom "When Nitzshe wept", "The Spinoza problem" and I want to read the rest of his books. It's such a pleasure <3
Bonne lecture, cher(e)s ami(e)s!
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