Therese Raquin 
by Emil Zola


Hello! I am back now with another book of my #readingchallenge 2021. I've finished yesterday to read "Therese Raquin" and now I know, for sure, Emil Zola's books are not my piece of cake. 

Yeps, it is absolutely necessary to read the classics in order to build up a good, a very good literature bases, but I am not motivated to read any other of Zola's books. Not anymore. I remember the ones I've read before I've reached my 20 years, I had the same taste after his books. I was fullfilled with negativity and despair. But, this is Zola. He's very realistic. His naturalistic style is describing in details a place, a character, a wound, a behaviour, a decision. And of course, people will kill, people will make adulter, will maltrate, will taste misery, will transform themself in misery, will become insane, and will destroy something barely constructed... And, yes, don't wait for a happy end. Not in Zola's books. 

If you're intending to read this author and you don't know anything about him, but you want positivity from his books, it's not the case. Before reading Zola, I would recommend to read his biography and a bit of criticism on his books. 

Though the books could be a treasure for psichiatrists and psychos. Even if the cases are very similar, there are several psycho models good to be analyzed as examples of our ancestors from the second part of the 19th century, when the actions take place.  

Belle lecture, my dears friends!




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